Basketball For Ukraine 2024

Join us for a Basketball Marathon fundraiser for humanitarian aid to Ukraine. On the weekend of Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th February 2024, we are playing basketball for Ukraine and are seeking social basketball players to join us at our hall in Dublin 13.

Contact Donal at Bayside Social Basketball Club to sign up as a player or team for the event.

It’s a non-competitive event and we welcome players and teams of all skill levels for a fun event to raise vital funds for Ukraine. So, form a team for the event or join one of our teams on the day.

All players are encouraged to collect sponsorship from family, friends, workplaces and all donations will go directly to humanitarian organisations working with Ukraine.

Last year we collected €11,000 which was way beyond our expectations, the money we raised went to a childrens hospital and a womens refuge. This year we’ll do the same, two of our Ukrainian players work closly with two charities, one is an animal refuge for animals that are left behind by those fleeing the war Kup’yansk Animal Shelter, the other charity SMART Medical Aid – buys old ambulances from the HSE and drives them over to Ukraine.

To register a team or as an individual player, email

Donate via PayPal

Donate via Revolut